Rabu, 21 November 2012

Short Films on Drugs

That is best short film ever haha
Take a look
Exactly this films directed from a guy that take Master in Digital Film & Television
same university with me in
"Limkokwing University Creative Technology"
And the actor is Jake from Korea and Summer from China
Their Facebook :
Jake : Seung bi choe
Summer : Summer Lee
They don't have twitter, 'cause they don't play twitter
The actors is my friends and I got a chance to help during the course of shooting films on location
Well, that house in that films is in my apartement

Minggu, 09 September 2012

Still I am

Still I am

There was an accident, the car lost control and crashed into a tree. In the car there was a boy and a girl (couple). The boy name is Charlie and the girl name is Melody. Melody is a best singer and Charlie is her boyfriend and also her manager. When the accident happened they were on their way to Melody's concert. Melody was seriously injured in the head and ear. But there's nothing happened to Charlie.
And now they're in hospital, Melody is dying and in state of coma. Charlie was waiting patiently beside her.
Charlie : "Melody, please.. just say anything!! I'm in here, always beside you. Just say anything!!" He said slowly.
Charlie : "argh.. it's my fault. Because of me... I'm so careless. This is all my fault. I'm so sorry." He's crying.
The Doctor came in with a note and walked towards Charlie and said something.
Doctor : "Sir, sorry. I have to tell you something important about her."
Charlie : "Yes? Please?" His face looked very worried.
Doctor : "I'm really sorry that i have to say this. She has lost her hearing and damaged her vocal cords.
Charlie : "sshh" Just crying.
Melody finally awake. It's been 2 days and Charlie is still by her side, staring at her eyes with a smile.
Melody : "Hi!!" she was a little confused because she did not hear her voice.
Charlie : "I Love You." Voiceless.
Melody : "What's happened with my voice? Why I can't hear you?" Voiceless and She started crying.
Charlie quickly hug her tight and try to calm Melody down.


6 days later. In the evening they're together in central park and having a romantic picnic. Melody was began to accept the situation now.
Charlie : "Try this one, it's good."
Melody : "Wha..??" She didn't hear.
Charlie : "Try..This..One." Talking while doing sign or body language.
Melody : "Thankyou." Body language.
At night in her room, Melody just practicing her dance and trying hard to sing although she can't. She fallin' down and she flashback when she was singing. (There's a scene for this). She's crying, remember the time when she still can sing and hear. She got upset and destroyed everything in her room.
Melody : "I can't.. I can't.." Voiceless
Charlie : "I'm so sorry Melody, I'll try to give it all back to you." Behind the door Charlie saw her was crying, he look very sad and drop his tears.


One day they sat in the pool played the water. And learning sign language (just with music Be still,they didn't speaking just acting talking with sign language) They look happy until there're distruber come to mock charlie and melody, Charlie absolutely furious. But Melody didn't hear the distruber.
The Distruber : "Hey!! Look that!! The deaf couple."
Another Distruber : "Yeah, stupid man. What is on his mind? Have a deaf girl And live hapily ever after? Silly!" They're laugh.
Charlie : "Shut up!! Go away!!" Groned.
The Distruber : "Ohh come on, dude!! Find the another girl!"
Charlie : "You're the deaf one now! I said go away! Don't you guys hear me?" Screaming while walking to want punch them.
The Distruber : "whoo..whooa.. Easy buddy easy.."
Charlie punch one of the distruber, then their friends catch Charlie and they all hit Charlie. And Melody run towards them to protect Charlie.
Melody : "Noooooooooooooo!!!!!" Screaming.
Charlie : "You can speak? Mellody, you can speak again?" Suprised and hug her tight.
Melody : "I don't know, I didn't hear anything." Voiceless again and a bit confused.
Charlie : "Oh no no, I'm so sorry i know it's all my fault. Everything that has happened is my fault!"
Melody : "Don't be silly, I Love You." Sign language while smiling.


In hospital, Charlie go to receptionist to meet the doctor.
Charlie : "Good evening miss, can I meet Dr. Alforio, please? Is he in his room right now?"
Staff or nurse : "Okay, could you please wait for a minute, sir?"
Charlie : "Yaa yaa, of course."
Staff or nurse : "Okay." call the doctor.
Staff or nurse : "Sir, Dr. Alforio is waiting you in his room."
Charlie : "Ohh okay, thankyou miss." Walk to the doctor office.

In Dr. Alforio's room.
Dr. Alforio : "Yes Mr. Charlie. What do you want to talk about?"
Charlie : "I want to know more about my girlfriend's condition. There's something that i confused about. You said she has lost her voice, but when we was in central park that day, she.. suddenly.. out of nowhere.. SPEAK. No.. no.. not just speaking but screaming. Unfortunately, after that she has lost it again."
Dr. Alforio : "Ohh.. that's strange. I'm not so sure know about that, but I'll be looking for the answer. So, for now.. you might help her by having a lot of conversation with her. More practice is better."
Charlie : "So that means she will be able to speak again, doc?
Dr. Alforio : "Yaa, probably yes. She might speak again, I'm not sure. She can use hearing aids"
Charlie ask Melody to go to his house. At the front door, there's big paper written "Welcome in our palace, my love." Melody smile. She open the door and she saw Charlie behind the door waiting for her while smile and hold big paper "Hi my love, ready for suprise?" Melody just smile and nod her head. Which means yes.
Charlie : "Come and lean on here, close your eyes and listen with your heart. You will definitely hear something." Bring her closer to the piano.
Someone playing the piano and Melody still close her eyes while smiling. She looks very happy. Charlie sit next her and looking her face, and smile. Then, Charlie hold her hand. Melody open her eyes and see Charlie next her hold her hand and she said "Thankyou"
Charlie : "Music is still in your heart, Melody. You hear it with your heart no your ears, darling."
Melody : "I Love You, Charlie." Hug Charlie.
Charlie : "Melody? You can use hearing aids to hear someone talk to you."
Melody : "Yeah, you right! Thankyou, Charlie. Thankyou for everything" Write in her notes.


In the evening at beautiful place, they're walking and holding hands together. Suddenly they just stay still. Melody saw a girl singing and she drop her tears. Charlie saw what melody see and look at melody. Charlie close his eyes.
Charlie : "I knew it. I knew it. I knew I can't give it all back. It's my fault. I wish i could turn back time."
Melody : "What's wrong Charlie? Why you cry?" She write in notes.
Charlie just walk away from her and don't tell anything. Melody ran after Charlie.
Charlie : "I can't.." He don't want to see her eyes or turn back.
Melody hold Charlie's hand.
Melody : "What's wrong Charlie? Tell me!" Write in notes.
Charlie : "How can you even look at me?"
Melody : "Because you're my boyfriend, Charlie." Write in notes.
Charlie : "But I can't look at you and not feel guilty."
Melody : "But it was an accident, Charlie. It's not your mistake." Write in notes.
Charlie : "I don't know what to do. I don't know where to go from here. I am the man who did this to you. You're best singer, everyone like you everyone love you, you're perfect. I ruined everything about you."
Melody : "Still I am." Speak and hold his hands.
Charlie drop his tears and hug her tight.

Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

Kamus Mimpi

Kamus mimpi???
Gue cuma penasaran kadang sama mimpi-mimpi yang selama ini gue alamin.
Banyak mimpi yang gue jadiin cerita atau komik,mimpi semacem Imagine gue gitu.
So far, fine-fine aja karena gue fikir kadang mimpinya gak logis dan seru bahkan lucu kalo gue bs bilang.
Bahkan kadang mimpi gue bisa di blg TV series atau gak Sinetron, soalnya mimpi yg belom selesai suka bersambung dan ada lanjutannya gitu.. Hahahha.. Aneh laah yaa..
Banyak hal terjadi saat gue terbangun dari tidur gue, misalkannya bangun-bangun gak taunya gue udeh ngeluarin air mata (Di mimpi ya gue nangis) Terus gue cari-cari kalo mimpi keluar air mata itu akn nerima kebahagian atau apalah. Ya gue sih udh lupa macem apa kebahagiannya karena itu kejadiannya udah lama.
Gue mulai menjadi pemimpi atau bahasa kerennya Dreamer laah yaa?? Itu dari gue SD.
Selama ini mimpi2 gue gak pernah gue permasalahin, sampai akhirnya berkali-kali gue mimpiin hal yg sama dan itu tentang Tsunami. Wow.. 1-2 kali gue masih ya udahlah mimpi selama ini gue mimpi ya mimpi.
Sampai akhirnya itu terus berulang kali, dan gue coba cari tau maksud mimpi gue saat itu.
Langsung buka google dan terjawab lah pertanyaan yg membingungkan dalam benak gue..

Bencana Alam 
Gempa bumi, tsunami, badai, tornado, atau mimpi lain yang berarti kiamat bisa diartikan sebagai hidup Anda yang harus berserah. Ada sesuatu dalam kehidupan Anda yang menjelang atau mencetuskan perubahan dramatis dari yang semulanya aman dan nyaman. Kebanyakan orang secara berkala mengalami mimpi yang sama berulang-ulang. Hal ini bisa menjadi sebuah sinyal bahwa alam bawah sadar Anda berusaha mengirimkan pesan. Ketika Anda sudah memahami pesannya dan bergerak untuk melakukan sesuatu, mimpi tersebut bisa berubah atau berhenti. Mimpi buruk merupakan cara untuk mengurangi rasa takut agar Anda bisa lebih jujur dengan diri sendiri. Jangan terlalu merasa takut ketika mendapatkan mimpi buruk, tapi sambutlah sebagai pesan tersembunyi untuk bisa lebih baik menjalani hidup.

Berhubung gue ini penikmat film, gue pernah menonton film Final Destination yg skrg udah tayang 5 Versi berbeda setiap kecelakaannya. Gue ya jadi suka kebawa kalo apa jangan-jangan gue kaya di film-film nih??Bodohnya.. Enggak lah gue juga tau hal tersebut.. Hhhahahahahah..
Siapa yg tau akan hal tersebut?? Itu di luar pikiran manusia.. Bahkan makhluk semacem gue pun jg gak tau *Emang gue siape?? Hahaha
Dan buat pembaca yg ngalamin mimpi beda ini gue sajiin jg buat kalian-kalian..

Berbicara dengan Orang yang Sudah Meninggal 
Melihat orang yang sangat Anda kasihi dalam mimpi merupakan hal yang sangat umum. Ada yang memercayai bahwa hal ini terjadi karena kontak dari mereka yang sudah berada di alam sana lewat komunikasi telepati. Kadang mimpi semacam ini justru tidak menyeramkan, justru menenangkan. Hal ini menandakan sebuah kasih yang melewati konsep batas waktu dan jarak. Jika si orang yang “mendatangi” Anda tersebut bicara cukup lantang kepada Anda, bisa jadi ini merupakan cara diri Anda berbicara dengan diri sendiri. 

Ketinggalan Pesawat, Kereta Api, dan lainnya
Mimpi-mimpi seperti ini terjadi ketika Anda yang menyusun rencana dan ingin agar segala rencana Anda tersebut bisa terwujud dalam waktu yang tepat. Ini juga bisa berarti bahwa Anda baru saja ketinggalan kesempatan penting untuk bisa maju atau mengubah cara pandang. Mimpi semacam ini seringkali muncul ketika Anda harus membuat pilihan penting. Hal ini serupa dengan mimpi yang memposisikan diri harus menjawab tes padahal Anda belum siap. Anda harus menanyakan diri 
sendiri, apakah Anda sudah siap untuk menghadapi tantangan di depan Anda. 

Tidak Berpakaian di Muka Umum
Kadang di mimpi, Anda sedang tidak berpakaian di muka umum, tapi sepertinya tak ada yang memperhatikan. Jika di dalam mimpi tersebut Anda merasa malu, mimpi ini menunjukkan bahwa Anda kekurangan kepercayaan diri atau tak nyaman berada di dekat orang lain. Mimpi merefleksikan perasaan bahwa Anda rapuh, merasa direndahkan di mata orang lain, dan mungkin merasa dibodohi. Ini merupakan mimpi y ang umum untuk orang-orang yang memiliki standar tinggi. 

Gigi Tanggal
Gigi diperlukan untuk berbicara, makan, penampilan, dan sebagai senjata untuk melindungi diri. Kehilangan gigi kadang bisa diartikan bahwa Anda memiliki masalah dalam membuat pilihan. Merasa tidak bisa menyampaikan perasaan Anda, meragukan kemampuan untuk merawat diri, atau takut untuk bicara di depan umum merupakan tanda-tanda contoh yang melambangkan arti mimpi gigi tanggal. 

Jika di mimpi ada bagian pada tubuh Anda yang terluka, perhatikan benar-benar bagian apa. Bagian kepala merepresentasikan keseluruhan diri Anda, tangan menyimbolkan cara bagaimana Anda menghadapi hidup, dan kaki melambangkan apa yang menyokong Anda. Tanyakan pada diri Anda area apa dalam hidup Anda yang selama ini telah terabaikan atau tidak terperhatikan seksama. Mungkin sekarang sudah saatnya untuk mulai memprioritaskan kebutuhan yang selama ini belum menjadi yang terutama. 

Ditinggal/Diceraikan Pasangan
Mimpi buruk semacam ini memiliki beragam arti. Mimpi ditinggalkan atau diceraikan bisa berasal dari rasa ketidaknyamanan atau ketidakpuasan Anda dalam sebuah hubungan. Hal ini juga bisa berarti bahwa alam bawah sadar Anda berusaha mengirimkan pesan bahwa hal yang tadinya anda pikir stabil ternyata goyah lebih dari yang Anda pikir. Kadang, ada beberapa pelajaran yang bisa dipelajari mengenai menjadi seseorang yang mandiri. Pikirkan apa yang paling Anda butuhkan untuk bisa merasa aman dan nyaman dengan diri sendiri di kehidupan nyata.

Jika Anda merasa terperangkap dan tak bisa bergerak, bisa jadi Anda sedang menghadapi suatu kondisi yang tak memberikan Anda banyak pilihan. Bisa jadi, di kehidupan nyata, Anda tak membiarkan diri untuk menerima bahwa hidup penuh kemungkinan untuk perubahan konstruktif. Ketika terbangun, bicaralah pada seseorang yang bisa Anda percayai mengenai hal-hal yang membuat Anda merasa terperangkap.

Tenggelam atau kesulitan bernapas erat kaitannya dengan hal yang memberikan energi pada hidup Anda. Jika Anda mengalami mimpi ini, tanyakan pada diri Anda, “Apa yang saya tutupi, hindari, atau merasa tidak bisa mengatasinya?” Selain itu, hal ini juga menyangkut perasaan yang tak ingin Anda akui. Dalam mimpi, Anda bisa belajar bernapas dalam air, lho.

Merasa dikejar-kejar merupakan mimpi buruk terumum yang pernah terjadi. Anda mungkin merasa dikejar oleh binatang, seseorang, atau sebuah kekuatan hitam. Apa pun yang mengejar Anda itu menyimbolkan bagian dari diri Anda yang belum atau tak mau mengakui. Ini merupakan sebuah area dalam hidup yang membuat Anda merasa tak berdaya. Adanya seekor binatang mewakili bagian alami yang tak tersentuh dalam diri. Orang asing atau energi negatif mewakili sebuah pelajaran yang harus Anda pelajari atau terima. Mimpi buruk ini bisa diartikan sebagai peringatan untuk mulai mengambil alih kontrol hidup Anda. Kadang, ini bisa berarti sebagai melakukan keputusan yang sulit. 

Selasa, 05 Juni 2012


Senior team "Eightgirls"

Hilda Susanty : Playmaker in 8 Basketball team "Eightgirls", she was born on February, 28th 1994. She began playing basketball from junior high school in SMPN 2 Bekasi.

Ayu Yersi Marlia : Shooter in 8 Basketball team "Eightgirls", she was born on June, 27th 1994. She began playing basketball from junior high school with me in SMPN 21 Bekasi. We were friends since junior high school. 

Dahlia sekartadji : Shooter in 8 Basketball team "Eightgirls:, she was born on January, 15th 1995. She began playing basketball from junior high school with Hilda susanty in SMPN 2 Bekasi.

Mutiara Yuang Triani : Shooter in 8 Basketball team "Eightgirls", she was born on October, 18th 1994. The first time in SMAN 8 Bekasi she started playing basketball.

Me : Center in 8 Basketball team "Eightgirls", I was born on February, 20th 1995. I started playing basketball when I was 10 years old. And began competing in Junior high school.

Junior team :

Rayinda Andrayani Putri CH : Shooter in 8 Basketball team "Eightgirls", she was born on March, 1st 1995. She began playing basketball from Junior high school in SMP Al-Fajr.

Rahmi Rahmadianti (Ami) : Playmaker in 8 Basketball team "Eightgirls". she was born on February, 24th 1995. She began playing basketball when Junior high school and playing basketball for PlayHours.

Kartika Cahya Fachreini : Shooter in 8 Basketball team "Eightgirls, she was born on October, 16th 1996. She began playing basketball since Junior high school in SMPN 16 Bekasi.

Radhimita Gendis S : Center in 8 Basketball team "Eightgirls", she was born on November, 2nd 1995. She began playing basketball since Junior high school in SMP Al-azhar. 

Meita Bestari : Shooter in 8 Basketball team "Eightgirls", she was born on May, 30th 1995. She started playing basketball for the first time in SMAN 8 Bekasi.

Senin, 04 Juni 2012

Eightgirls My Inspiration

Eightgirls is 8 high school basketball team.
I was there at 8 because a basketball scholarship. Not only me, there is Hilda, Ayu and Dahlia.
Before we started school we had basketball practice at 8. We first know Nicken (our senior) when the first practice. We were trained by Maesa (Ka Ica) Our Coach.
The coach began to form a basketball team. Starting with the training every time.
When schools have started there is a new team and new people, it was the first time we know Yuang.
Each training is different each time sometimes. From which the heaviest and exhausting, and there are a lot of fun. After frequent training, our coach finally ready to give our first game. 
Our first game in PERBASI Cup, In the first game we lost from SMA 2 (Etniez) on Final.
We runner-up and Etniez got a winner.


But no problem, we keep training hard. 
Then we signed up for Development Basketball League the championship (DBL) 2010.
Indonesia's biggest championship.
We lose at Semifinal from SMAN 5 Bogor (The Winner DBL 2010).
But after a moment of DBL, in Bekasi we became often won.
We even had win from Etniez. Since then the name of SMAN 8 Bekasi basketball team became famous.

Senior Team 



"ADA GEMPA" a trending topic tonight.
Everyone is talking about the quake but I didn’t realize there was an earthquake.
Talking about the earthquake, I remember the incident about 2 years ago.
When the quake struck, and I really feel it.
My father and my big brother were not home. And I was at home with my lilttle sister and my mother.
My little sister was playing playstation in my room which is located on the 2nd floor, my mom was watching TV with me on the first floor.
My mother and I get out of the house. But my little sister was still inside.
Seeing my mother who was scared because my little sister in the house, so I immediately went into the house and started calling her name.
Then my little sister was running down the stairs.When we are out and things began to secure, Then I called my dad and my brother to make sure everything is okay.
A few days after that, my sister and me tell each incident when the earthquake struck.
And I asked my sister, "Why don’t you get out during the earthquake of the house?"
My little sister said, "I didn’t realize there was an earthquake, after which I played playstation fell, then I realized and heard you call me and ran get out."

Place of incident or my house.

Minggu, 03 Juni 2012

My Happy day ever

A few days ago I got an email, when I open the email, my life will change within a few seconds.
Because I might be a different me, Life has changed, My lifestyle has changed, Different food, Different friends, Living alone without parents and family, 
So .. This is the beginning of the path way to bring me to my dream 

Honestly, I don't know I can Living alone without my parents and my bestfriend or not.
But for my dream, I'll keep trying.
When I was in grade 12,I always come late at school and  I was always in trouble with the value and teachers. 
For example, My problem with the history teachers. She was also my history teacher when I was in Grade 10. I think she hate me. I often absent, But I'm absent because I have a basketball game.
I'm in SMAN 8 because of basketball scholarship. But not all teachers let me playing basketball.
My history teacher had said something that made ​​me down. She told me "You are a lazy and dumb student"
So since then I wanted to prove that one day I will succeed.

When I was doing free throw in Al-azhar Cup